
Wednesday, August 11th, 2010

SDCC Sketch Doll – K Michael Crawford

During Comic Con 2010, I ran around the con floor and other locales with a bag full of blank dolls, searching for artists to vandalize them. These are the results.

Apologies for the blurry photo.  K. Michael Crawford is a childrens fantasy artist, and she liked her doll so much she managed to talk me into letting her keep it.

Crawford makes books that encourage children to make art.  They draw in the answers to puzzles, add their own characters, and make the book their own.  It’s really quite awesome.  You can check out one such book here.

Monday, August 9th, 2010

SDCC Sketch Doll – Bryan Lee O’Malley

During Comic Con 2010, I ran around the con floor and other locales with a bag full of blank dolls, searching for artists to vandalize them. These are the results.

Bryan Lee OMalley was a little busy at Comic Con, what with his book coming out, and his movie coming out, and the little Scott Pilgrim theme park they’d installed in the Hilton across from the convention.  Still he took a little time out of his day to turn this into a Scott Pilgrim doll for me.  “His spirit is forever trapped now, inside the doll,” he said.  And then, he vanished.

But I was still around, so I got it signed by a few people.  OMalley’s up top, with John Kantz (who worked on volume 6) underneath him, Kieran Culkin (Wallace Wells) on the left, Anna Kendrick (Stacey Pilgrim) and Aaron Ancheta (also an assistant on 6) on the right….

And then Julie Powers went and took all the credit.

Friday, August 6th, 2010

SDCC Sketch Doll – Diana Sprinkle

During Comic Con 2010, I ran around the con floor and other locales with a bag full of blank dolls, searching for artists to vandalize them. These are the results.

Diana Sprinkle is an amazing artist who creates all sorts of iconic character designs, mostly involving cats.  She also makes comics and other things.  And she drew me a cannibal unicorn boy!  Let’s take a closer look.

Oh my god he’s so cute.  I don’t care whose blood he’s splattered with there.

A mane and a tail!  Eee!

And horseshoes…bloody, bloody horseshoes.

BTW, he’s sitting on Diana’s cat art folio, Catalyst, which is also great.

Wednesday, August 4th, 2010

SDCC Sketch Doll – Phil Foglio

During Comic Con 2010, I ran around the con floor and other locales with a bag full of blank dolls, searching for artists to vandalize them. These are the results.

Girl Genius is one of my favorite comics, so I didn’t pass up a chance to geek out at Phil and Kaja Foglio when I saw them at Comic Con.  Phil managed to turn this blank into a Jagermonster with incredible speed.  This is one of those dolls I wish we really made, so I could carry one around with me.


Monday, August 2nd, 2010

SDCC Sketch Doll – Robert Iza

During Comic Con 2010, I ran around the con floor and other locales with a bag full of blank dolls, searching for artists to vandalize them. These are the results.

Robert Iza is a contributor to LavaPunch and all around badass.  He pretty much won at designing dolls this comic con.  Check this guy out!  He’s so cute!  Little skelly legs and everything.

But does he hide a secret?

Holy crap yes.

Don’t even think, just go check out Iza’s DeviantART and his blog right now.

I also picked up Iza’s sketchbook, which is basically a catalog of all the tiny paintings he has done.  It’s like a tiny art gallery on my bookshelf.

Friday, July 30th, 2010

SDCC Sketch Doll – Rich Schleifer

During Comic Con 2010 last weekend, I ran around the con floor and other locales with a bag full of blank dolls, searching for artists to vandalize them. These are the results.

Rich Schleifer turned my blank doll into his character Stabby.  Stabby likes to play MMOs.  She goes online, and stabs things.  She’s pretty rad.

Rich took his time on this one and added in proper hair, even a ponytail in the back!

Rich was at Comic Con debuting his Stabby book, which is a collection of one page mini comics and short stories he wrote during his time playing her in Lineage 2.

Wednesday, July 28th, 2010

SDCC Sketch Doll – David Malki

During Comic Con 2010 last weekend, I ran around the con floor and other locales with a bag full of blank dolls, searching for artists to vandalize them. These are the results.

The indomitable David Malki! (creator of Wondermark, one of my favoritest webcomics ever) volunteered to be my sketch doll guinea pig on preview night.  I am not sure if this guy is wearing camouflage, or if he has some sort of weird, leafy skin.  Legend says that his green eye sees only the past, while his red eye can see the future.

The exclamation point is silent.

I picked up one of Malki’s books, Clever Tricks to Stave Off Death, and then vanished into the night.

More sketch dolls to come over the next few weeks.  I actually ran out of dolls to have drawn on, and had to start handing out templates, which I now have to make.  Those will probably show up here sometime in the near future too.

Thursday, June 24th, 2010

A Whole Barrel of News

So much stuff has been condensed into the last week, its hard to sit down and catalog it all.  But catalog I shall – for science.

On Monday, I published the first few of our doll designs, done by myself and the fabulously talented Onion.  Download them!  Download them now!

When you download them, you may notice that the word “alpha” is gone from the template.  We’ve moved on, folks.  I am still fiddling with the wording on some of the instructions, as I likely will be for a long time.  Expect to see the next version drop sometime this weekend.

In other news, if you’ve been searching for the materials to try SBN out for yourself and you haven’t been able to find something, we have some kits listed on Etsy just for the purpose of making SBN dolls.  This is our “store” for now, although I’d like to have a more elegant solution in the future.

The foam blocks in the photo above are from the sewing kits.  They come with these adorable tiny pincushions that are just right for a project the size of a Sew By Numbers doll.

Thursday, June 17th, 2010

Moar Sketch Dolls!

Some new artists got their hands on blank SBN dolls at Drink and Draw DFW last week.

Monica P. made this totally awesome chick.  This is the first sketch doll we’ve had in color, and she looks awesome!

Ryan R. drew made a doll of character Grimm, who is a grumpy little devil.  Ravenous, too.

If you’re in the area, I can’t recommend this group enough.  It’s a great opportunity to hang out, do art, and talk about everything from fountain pens to Dr. Who.

Sunday, May 30th, 2010

Thingiverse <3s Us (And Vice Versa)

One of my favorite places to visit online is Thingiverse, a catalog of digital designs for physical objects.  Most of the content is for people with 3D printers and laser cutters, but it’s designed to be open ended.

So I put the SBN Alpha up there.  Hey, it’s a digital design for a physical object!   On the other hand, most people look at the final product and say, “so what?  It’s a sewing pattern, big whoop,” without realizing that the design is printed directly on the fabric. If people have trouble understanding that with a piece of printed fabric in their hands, how hard would it be to understand from just looking at the design? So for about the first 8 hours after I posted to Thingiverse, I fretted over the small chance it might get taken down.

They featured the template.

And then I did a little dance.

Sunday, May 30th, 2010

Sketch Dolls

I did a lot of the early sewing work for Sew By Numbers at various art meetups, specifically Drink and Draw DFW.  It was only natural that I ask the artists to draw on the dolls after I finished them.  Here are some of the results.

Jose created this doll of one of his characters. Â He told me this guy is a street fighter, but from the looks of it he's still learning.

The Kantz designed this weirdly adorable guy over my first attempt at a doll.

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